Sweepstakes Prize Ideas: How to Choose the Best Digital and Traditional Prizes That People Want

6 min readMay 18, 2023


Struggling to choose the right sweepstakes prize for your audience? You’re not alone. In today’s digital age, there are endless options, from traditional giveaways to digital rewards. How do you know what will motivate and engage your audience the most? In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting the best sweepstakes prizes for your brand or promotion. You’ll learn how to understand your audience, evaluate the pros and cons of different prize options, and ensure you’re legally compliant. Let’s dive in and discover how to take your sweepstakes to the next level.

Understand Your Audience

Consumers love simplicity, so don’t stress too much about creating a super intricate promotion experience. Focus on making the entry process smooth and easy. Now, when it comes to prizes, you don’t have to come up with something groundbreaking or break the bank on high-priced rewards to get people interested. Remember, sometimes less is more, and a well-thought-out prize can still win consumer hearts without costing you a fortune.

These prizes have been around for a long time and can include anything from gift cards to trips. While they can be effective in attracting a large number of participants, traditional prizes may not always resonate with your particular audience.

Make the entry process effortless to encourage more opt-ins. This can look like watching a brand video and leaving a comment, reviewing a brand or product, or providing an email address.

The more you make your consumer feel seen and heard, the more likely they’ll enter your sweepstakes.

Think about the best point in your promotional journey where you could create an opportunity for your customers to voice their thoughts and opinions about your brand or products. It’s a great way to engage and learn from them!

You can then leverage this information to retarget your consumers via paid advertising or leverage it for traditional or digital campaigns.

Traditional Sweepstakes Prizes

Once you have a clear idea of who your audience is, you can evaluate the pros and cons of different prize options. These prizes have been around for a long time and can include anything from gift cards to trips.

The preferred traditional prizes for both men and women are vacations and cash.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider. For one, traditional sweepstakes prizes can be expensive when they involve high-value items or complex prize packages. They can also be difficult to administer, with legal compliance, promotion, and prize logistics. Additionally, traditional sweepstakes prizes may not be as exciting or innovative as newer prize options, making it hard to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Great Prizes Don’t Have to Break the Bank

Customers appreciate almost any act of generosity. Offering a $250,000 prize only slightly boosts participation compared to a $10,000 prize. Surprisingly, raising the prize to $1,000,000 doesn’t significantly increase interest. Keep in mind that bigger isn’t always better, and you don’t need to spend a fortune on prizes to motivate people to participate.

Consider this: is the slight increase in participation worth 100 times the cost when comparing a $10,000 prize to a $1,000,000 prize? Unless you’re after major PR coverage, the answer is probably no.

If you’re uncertain about the prize you picked for your giveaway, remember that consumers crave convenience and define as valuable things and experiences that make their lives easier.

Align this with your ideal audience and you have the best prize for your promotion.

Digital Sweepstakes Prizes

While traditional sweepstakes prizes may have been the go-to for many brands, digital sweepstakes prizes have increased in popularity in recent years. Unlike traditional prizes that involve physical items, digital prizes are often intangible rewards like gift cards, subscriptions, and exclusive experiences.

VISA gift cards have reigned supreme for years. However, Venmo balance and mobile wallet deposit options are rising in preference among younger generations.

One of the biggest advantages of digital sweepstakes prizes is their cost-effectiveness. Brands can offer high-value digital prizes at a fraction of the cost of traditional prizes, making them an attractive option for those with a limited budget. They can be administered more easily because they don’t require shipping or complex logistics considerations.

Another benefit of digital sweepstakes prizes is their versatility. With so many options available, you can give away something to your target audience and create a more personalized experience.

For example, a beauty brand could offer a digital prize that includes a one-on-one consultation with an influencer makeup artist, while a fitness brand could offer a subscription to a workout app.

Digital prizes may not have the same level of perceived value as traditional prizes, which could affect participation rates. That’s why you need to be conscientious about your audience.

In case you’d rather not go with conventional prizes that cater to a broad audience, take a closer look at your target market to develop a more tailored prizing strategy.

Prize Ideas for Your Next Giveaway

When it comes to choosing the right sweepstakes prize, let’s consider the following; while traditional prizes may have a higher perceived value, digital prizes offer greater convenience and accessibility. Always remember to put your audience’s preferences first.

For instance, a tech-savvy audience may be more likely to engage with digital prizes, while an older demographic may prefer traditional prizes. The key is to build rapport that extends your customer’s lifetime value and builds your relationship with them.

These prize ideas include traditional and digital prizes. If you’re interested in recurring sweepstakes campaigns, you can offer lower value digital prizes like a $75 dollar reward. The fact that it’ll be sent digitally in a world where instant gratification is becoming increasingly common, it’ll surely attract participants.

A Prizing Report’s survey discovered that a chance to win daily prizes and a large grand prize was the most appealing to most consumers.

Before launching a promotion, you should also consider the legal implications and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Legal Considerations

One of the main aspects to consider is that the promotion you have in mind is indeed a sweepstakes and doesn’t fall into a different legal category like a raffle or a lottery. A sweepstakes is a game of chance that allows participants to enter for free without having to purchase a product or service. In contrast, a lottery is a game of chance that requires participants to pay to play and are only done by the government. To read more on the types of promotion, check out our article: What’s the Difference Between a Sweepstakes, Contest, Game, Raffle and Giveaways and Which is More Popular?

You’ll also need to ensure your sweepstakes promotion follows the regulations set forth by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). These regulations require brands to disclose the official rules, terms, and conditions of the sweepstakes clearly. You must also provide participants with a way to opt-out of future marketing communications.

Some states have their own regulations when it comes to sweepstakes promotions. You should learn about the laws in each state to remain legally compliant.


All-in-all, remember to keep it simple for your consumers to understand what the prize is and how to enter. Understand your audience is key, as it enables you to tailor your prizes to their interests, needs, and preferences. A great prize idea aligns on value with your audience and enhances their lives.

Excellent Official Sweepstakes Rules and legal considerations can save you from costly lawsuits or penalties. You don’t have to stick to one type of prize — experiment, measure the results, and refine your approach. As the saying goes, “the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” So go ahead, choose your prizes with passion, and watch your audience engage and grow.

If you need more information on how Sweeppea can help you with your next sweepstakes, contact us at support@sweeppea.com or call us at 305–505–5393. Take action today and make your next sweepstakes a success with Sweeppea!

